Thursday 29 November 2012

Year 8 Berlin Trip

In 2 days Year 8 German pupils will be going to Berlin for 3 days with Miss Bundy, Miss Boyd and Mr Williams fillled with visiting lots of famous landmarks like The Holocaust Memorial and the Berlin Wall.

Facts about Berlin!

Berlin is without doubt the most fascinating city in Germany. Covering around 341 square miles Berlin is a unique landscape. With its numerous parks, lakes and wooded areas it is sometimes easy to forget that Berlin is the capital of Germany.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Clothes Show Live...

To all those visiting Birmingham with the Academy this December for the always fantastic...

Clothes Show Live!'s on the 10th of December... a week on Monday! And remember...
JLS are performing during the show!

I know I can't wait! Can You?
I'll see you there...
Have FUN!

Friday 23 November 2012

1000th Page View!

Today we hit our 1000th Page View!!!
Thank you so much for clicking on our blog and letting us know we're writing it for a reason!
Every page view takes us closer to our next Goal!
We hope you're enjoying the Blog so far and we will keep on going and let you know when we hit our next Big Goal!!!

Three Friday Facts...

1.Many people who read the word yawn or yawning begin to feel the urge to yawn...

2.The average person laughs 15 times per day. Why not make it 16?

3.slug has not only one nose but FOUR!


Thursday 22 November 2012

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Review

So, last Thursday a few of us went to see the first midnight showing of the final Twilight and can I just say it was AMAZING!

All good things must come to an end and the astonishing conclusion to the Saga makes no exception. It illuminates the secrets and mysteries of the romantic films that have engaged millions. As advertised in the trailer that ended Breaking Dawn: Part 1 it leads to an epic confrontation on a frozen meadow.

On one side are Vampires from all over the world supporting the Cullen family led by Bella a new vampire herself, mother and wife to Edward Cullen. On the other side are the Volturi a collection of vampires from the wicked Old Europe.

There are decapitations and decisions to be made that lead to an epic conclusion!

I can assure you, devoted twilight fan or not you will love it!!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Did you know?#4

All of the blinking you do in one day equates to having your eyes closed for 30 minutes!

Christams Concert Update

The Oldershaw Academy's Christmas concert will be on Wednesday the 19th of December!
There will be a variety of different performances where you can see our talented actors, dancers, singers and more.
Also there will be a preview of 'GREASE' our 2013 School Musical!!!
Make sure you come along and see it!

Tuesday 20 November 2012


Guess what?

It's Only 34 Days Until... Christmas!
Look out for little festive features added to our blog on the run up to christmas!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Sky Fall Review...

So I’ve just got back from watching the new James Bond film, Sky Fall! It was amazing, one of the best films I’ve seen this year!

Ralph Fiennes (Lord Voldemort) makes an appearance as Gareth Mallory. The Mallory character had been the Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee before heading up MI6.

The plot is flawless with an unexpected twist near to the end of the film. As normal, Bond unleashes an amazing Car. The film shows Daniel Craig going back to old times and driving an Aston Martin DB5 – just as Sean Connery did in Goldfinger and Thunderball in the Sixties.

I would definitely recommend this film to everybody, previous Bond fan or not!

Friday 16 November 2012

Did you know?#3

Pigeons never forget a face. If you chase one away, it will remember you and avoid you in later encounters!

Did you know?#2

There is a glow in the dark book...


is a second spring... where every leaf is a flower

What Type Of Learner Are You?

If you are an Auditory Learner you:

·         Learn best by hearing.

·         Prefer to have things explained out loud than rather than to read it.

·         Say information out loud in order to learn or memorize it.

·         Need a quiet place to study as music or other noises can be very distracting.

If you are a Visual Learner you:

·         Learn best by seeing.

·         Prefer to have things written down rather than spoken out.

·         Write out information many times in order to learn or memorize it.

·         Need to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions.

If you are a Kinesthetic Learner you:

·         Learn best by doing.

·         Prefer to touch and actually do activities rather than being told.

·         Do activities in order to learn or memorize the information.

·         Find it hard to sit still for long periods of time when studying.

Let us know what type of learner YOU are in the comments below...!!

Thursday 15 November 2012

Did you know?#1

"Lolz" and "mwahahaha" have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Christmas Concert!

The Oldershaw Academy’s Christmas concert is quickly approaching and we hope you’re as excited as we are! It’s a great night full of talent and entertainment so come along with your friends and family and supports our acts!
Watch this space for more information of dates, times and prices!
Heres a nice little picture from last year's Concert!...

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Spread The Word!

...Now that The Oldershaw Academy's new blog is officially up and running, make sure you spread the word! Whether that be to teachers, friends, or your parents, we want everyone to get involved and witness the growth of this amazing new site!

So Long, Saviours gig

Do you like Rock and alternative music?
Do you love the experience of a live band?
If the answer to these questions is yes, then you'll love "So Long, Saviours".

They are a 4-piece alternative band based on the Wirral, and play regular gigs at various venues in Liverpool. The band is full of talent, and they have supported well known and upcoming bands such as Hildamay and Surrender April.

The Band are Headlining the Picket in Liverpool on November 24th. It will be a really good night, the tickets are £5, and are obtainable from either Rob Courtney, Danny Bradshaw or Ieuan Routledge, all of whom are in year 11.

The doors open at 7pm, and the gig will finish around 11pm. The event may be a 16+ gig, and I will update the post with more details nearer the time.

To find the picket, get off the train at James Street station, and walk toward the O2 Arena. It is just off Jordan street, near the Anglican Cathedral.


Halo 4 Review

George and Aaron's review of the new Halo 4...

Halo 4 is a first-person shooter sci-fi action adventure game based around the protagonist John Spartan 117 (Master Chef). It's four years after the events of Halo 3 and it's one of the most anticipated games of 2012 rivaled only by Ubisoft’s Assassins Creed 3 and Treyarch’s Black Ops 2.
But will Halo do as well as it did under the ownership of Bungie as it now belongs to 343 industries?

Master Chief isn’t just fighting the covenant he has a new foe, the Prometheans.

And coming from someone who has played it, it meets the standards of it's predecessors, if not heightens them. 

We would definitely recommend it.

Age rating: 15
Review rating: 8.5/10

Christmas Ideas!

With only 40 days left till Christmas we've thought of some ideas to help with the tricky task of Christmas shopping..!!!

Top 5 Christmas presents!

  1.       Jewellery (Don’t worry you don’t have to splash out!)
  2.       Christmas teddy bear
  3.       Chocolate
  4.       Purfume
  5.       More chocolate (You can’t go wrong!)

  1.       Headphones
  2.       Aftershave
  3.       Chocolate (Again)
  4.       Hats
  5.       ITunes voucher

Hope we helped!
Chloe, Megan and Amy

Bonjour mes amis...

For some of you, your French GCSE oral is fast approaching. Sowhy not get in some early revision time, to prevent that dreaded post exam stress? If this just means scanning through your expo text book, or buckling down online at! Don’t get stressedget prepared!


Tuesday 13 November 2012

Preparing for exams can be difficult!

Revision Tips & Tricks...
With what seems like an endless circle of examinations and coursework on the way... you may be finding it pretty tricky to manage your time, and fit in that essential revision at home. So here are a few tips and tricks to help you stay organised this term...

1. Stay Motivated
. Plan Ahead

3. Make Notes
4. Make A Revision Timetable
5. Take A Lot Of Breaks
6. Sleep Well (That means at least 8 hours a night!)
7. Use Stimulating Diagrams
8. Test Yourself
9. Get Used To Planning Out Your Answers
10. Don't Do Any Stressful Work The Evening Before Your Exam!

(If you really can not resist then carry around some summary notes  and glance at them now and then just to keep your confidence high. But really, trust me. If you have given the max until now then you will not learn anything you don't already know in the last evening. The extra marks you will get through having a relaxed mind will more than offset those few extra marks you get from the tiny extra amount you can learn in one night.)

Good Luck!