Friday 16 November 2012

What Type Of Learner Are You?

If you are an Auditory Learner you:

·         Learn best by hearing.

·         Prefer to have things explained out loud than rather than to read it.

·         Say information out loud in order to learn or memorize it.

·         Need a quiet place to study as music or other noises can be very distracting.

If you are a Visual Learner you:

·         Learn best by seeing.

·         Prefer to have things written down rather than spoken out.

·         Write out information many times in order to learn or memorize it.

·         Need to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions.

If you are a Kinesthetic Learner you:

·         Learn best by doing.

·         Prefer to touch and actually do activities rather than being told.

·         Do activities in order to learn or memorize the information.

·         Find it hard to sit still for long periods of time when studying.

Let us know what type of learner YOU are in the comments below...!!

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