Tuesday 13 November 2012

Preparing for exams can be difficult!

Revision Tips & Tricks...
With what seems like an endless circle of examinations and coursework on the way... you may be finding it pretty tricky to manage your time, and fit in that essential revision at home. So here are a few tips and tricks to help you stay organised this term...

1. Stay Motivated
. Plan Ahead

3. Make Notes
4. Make A Revision Timetable
5. Take A Lot Of Breaks
6. Sleep Well (That means at least 8 hours a night!)
7. Use Stimulating Diagrams
8. Test Yourself
9. Get Used To Planning Out Your Answers
10. Don't Do Any Stressful Work The Evening Before Your Exam!

(If you really can not resist then carry around some summary notes  and glance at them now and then just to keep your confidence high. But really, trust me. If you have given the max until now then you will not learn anything you don't already know in the last evening. The extra marks you will get through having a relaxed mind will more than offset those few extra marks you get from the tiny extra amount you can learn in one night.)

Good Luck!

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